Sabtu, 08 Desember 2012


1. Understanding Value
In view of the philosophy, values ​​(value: UK) is often associated with problems goodness. Something is said to have value, if something is useful, true (truth value), beautiful (aesthetic value), good (moral values), religious (religious values), and so on. Value was ideal, is the idea. Therefore, the value is something that is abstract and can not be touched by the five senses. That can be captured is salable goods or works that contain it.

There are two views on how its being of value, namely:

a. Value as something that exists on the object itself (objectively)
It is a matter of objective and form a kind of "world of values", which became the highest measure of human behavior (according to the philosopher Max Scheler and Nocolia Hartman).

b. Value as something that depends on the capture and feelings (subjective)
According to Nietzsche, the intended value is the level or degree desired by humans. Value, which is the goal of true human will, often arranged according to the composition of the starting level from below, namely: the value of hedonic (pleasure), utilitarian value (utility), biological value (glory), the value of self-aesthetic (beauty, beauty), personal values ​​(susial, either), and the top one is the religious values ​​(sanctity).

From the views and understanding of the value of both objective and subjective, here are some notion of value:

Popular Dictionary of Scientific
Values ​​are ideas about what is good, true, wise and what is useful is more abstract than the norm.

Laboratory Pancasila IKIP Malang
Value is something valuable, useful, beautiful, that enrich the mind, which would awaken people dignity and values. Rooted in moral values ​​that serve to encourage, direct human attitudes and behavior.

Nursal Luth and Dainel Fernandez
Values ​​are feelings about what is desirable or undesirable that affect the social behavior of people who have rated it. Value is not about completely wrong, but a matter of desired or not, liked or not. Value is a collection of attitudes and feelings are always shown through behavior by humans.

C. Kluckhoorn
Value is an explicit conception of the typical characteristics of an individual or group of people about something that is coveted, which impact on the selection of patterns, tools, and purpose of the action. Value is not desire, but what is desired. That is, the value of it is not only expected but sought as an appropriate and true to yourself and others. The measures used to overcome the will at the time and situation is what is meant by value.

From some of the existing terms of value, may be also understood that the quality of the provision is meaningful for individual human life, society, nation and state. Kehadirian value in human life can cause action and reaction, so that people will accept or reject his presence. Consequently, the value will be a life goal to be realized in reality.

In relation to the values ​​of Pancasila which has grown in Indonesian society, it can be exemplified as the value of equity and fairness, the values ​​are always a concern for human beings to be realized in reality. Conversely, injustice and lies meruapakan value is always rejected.

2. Distinctive Value
Basically, the value can be distinguished by its character. The distinction is as follows:

a. The values ​​ingrained (internalized value)
That value has become a subconscious personality or tin encourage action without thinking anymore. If violated, there is a sense of shame or guilt deep and difficult to forget, for example:

1) People who are religious will suffer mental load when breaking one of these religious norms.
2) A soldier on the battlefield will help a wounded friend, mekipun would endanger his life.
3) A father dared to fight death to save his son who was confined flames that burned down his house.

b. Dominant value
A value which is considered more important than other values. This is evident in the choice of a person at the time of dealing with several alternative measures to be taken. Some of the dominant consideration whether those values ​​are as follows:

1) The number of people who embrace these values.
2) The length of the value is perceived by the members of the group.
3) The high effort to maintain the value of it.
4) The high standing (prestige) people who bring value.

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