Sabtu, 08 Desember 2012


That said, the man who first invented the game of chess is Shi Sho. He was a judge of the nation Hindi. He created the game because there is a demand from the King Balhat. The origin of King Balhat told Shi Sho created the game they will be, because at that moment the King of Persia sdh create undelivered game less unique, the game of dice, he boasted pd Balhat Raja, Raja shgga Balhat terisinpirasi For compete with the Persian king made the ill-game losing unique, ie chess. But since perkembangn in each country, none were uneven, banyk the find methods similar to a chess game.

In Indonesia, chess including a fairly popular sport. In every corner of the area we can see people playing chess. Whether to pass the time, whether to strengthen friendship. When the Independence Day celebration, chess is also almost certainly come competed. Besides easy preparation, low cost, can be applied in the RT / RW, chess can be played by anyone. Even for some people, this brain sport has its own prestige.
Chess game according to Wikipedia was first discovered in the Persian and Arabic. The word "chess" itself comes from the word "Chaturanga," which in Sanskrit means "four divisions of the army."Chess then spread throughout the world with various variants of the game until we know what it is.About the origin of chess, there is still disagreement. According to H. J. R. Murray, author of History of Chess (1913), chess originated in India and started there in the 6th century. There chess known as Chaturanga, which means four separate elements. Initially, chess pieces is just four types. According to ancient Indian mysticism, chess is considered to represent the universe, so often associated with the four elements of life, fire, air, soil and water because of the game, chess symbolizes the ways of human life.In the game, relying chess player analysis and shrewdness, with skills in determining step strategies, plans, risk, and determine when to sacrifice to win.However, the opinion that Murray denied Muhammad Ismail Sloan, a lot of studying the history of chess. According to Sloan, if chess is found in India, the game should have been mentioned in the Sanskrit literature. In fact, none of Sanskrit literature in India which mentions about the game of chess before the 6th century. In contrast, Chinese poets have mentioned this game regards their poems, 800 years earlier.Thus, according to Ismail Sloan, in Cinalah chess was first played. But at that time the form is not chess arena boxes, but whole. Chess pieces also consists of only four types, namely the king, rook, knight (horse), and bishop (elephant).New in the 6th century, chess was brought Muslims from India and Persia all over the world. That said, in the days of the Caliphate of Ali ibn Abu Tholib, chess is a popular game played. Maybe even by Hazrat Ali himself. There is a mention that the warlord Mohammed, Khalid bin Walid was also fond of chess. Perhaps this has to do with kelihayannya adjust war strategy.Also there is a companion of the Prophet, namely Said bin Jubair famous can play blindfold (blind chess, play chess without seeing the board). At the time of the next Islamic Caliphate, like the Caliph Harun al-Rashid had been known to award a chess board to a king in Europe, founder of the dynasty Carolia, that Charlemagne.In the 8th century when the Moors spread Islam to Spain, chess began to spread to mainland Europe to arrive in Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, England, Ireland, and Russia. In the archipelago, brain exercise is carried by the Dutch at the time of first colonization. Initially, only the Dutch were playing chess, but to independence, many indigenous start playing.In the history of chess has many developed European nations this chess game, by making chessboard black and white. It happens roughly century-10. Previously, the boxes are the same color. In fact, often people make the game of chess is on the sand or anywhere that could be a line. Of Europe also made a rule that allowed a pawn forward two squares in the first step and ministers (queens) may move more freely either forward or diagonally forward.Slowly chess development. From the name, shape, and game rules. All of them represent a symbol of civilization changes.

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