Sabtu, 08 Desember 2012

History of Rummy Card


Maybe all this time we never cared, but the cards that we know is the type of card from the UK. As JACK (J), Queen (Q), KING (K) and ACE (A). This type of card from the UK in one setnya totaling 52 pieces, plus the JOKER. Ok, let's to the point.

There are some phenomenon that we often play cards:

  The numbers are 52, why 52? Number of the week in a year is 52, and each card represents one week.

  52 (5 +2) = 7 = 7 days a week.

  Because of the UK that in fact four seasons so the card has 4 types:

¤ ♠ Spade represents winter.
Heart ♥ ¤ represents autumn
¤ Diamond ♦ represents spring
Club ♣ ¤ represent summer

  In one type there are 13 cards (from As s / d King) 13 is the number of weeks in a season.

  13 (1 +3) = 4 = number of seasons in a year = 4 corners of the same item angin.Warna red, symbolizing the Day and Night.

  If the number of cards in one type you jumlahin all (As = 1, Jack = 11, Queen = 12 and King = 13), the total number is 364! Equal to the number of days in a year, plus 1 Joker, to 365 days.

If the number of letters of the names of a single deck of cards you count, both in English, Dutch, German or French, then the number is 52! Just as the number of weeks in 1 year .. !!

  * English:
Ace, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, Jack, Queen, King.

  * Dutch:
Aas, twee, drie, vier, Vijf, zes, seven, Acht, negen, tien, Boer, vrouw, Heer.

  * German:
As, zwei, drei, fünf, Sechs, sieben, Acht, Neun, Zehn, Bube, Dame, König.

  * French:
As, deux, trois, quatre, cing, six, sept, huit, neuf, dix, valet, reine, roi.

(All the letters are the same number 52!)

Believe it, may not!

Of each type also represents the four major pillars Middle Ages era.
Spade - Military.
Heart - the Church.
Diamond - Merchant Class.
Club - Aglikultur.

Each card Raja (KING) of any kind, represent to some of Great King from history, here:

  Spade - King David was king of Israel.
  Heart - Charlemagne was the founder of the Holy Roman Empire.
  Diamond - Julius Caesar, The Great Dictator of Rome.
  Club - Alexander The Great, Macedonian General.

--- --- Diamonds Spades Hearts Clubs ---.
(K) Charlemagne - David - Caesar - Alexander.
(Q) Ragnel - Judith - Pallas - Argeia.
(J) Ogier - Judah Maccabee - Aulus Hiritus - Hector.

Who are they?
Those were the days of Middle Age Hero at first ...

In addition there are more mysteries about the cards that can not be answered until now, for example:

  * King Hearts the only King without a mustache.
  * King liver also directed towards his own sword, therefore King Hearts always called "The Suicide King".
  * King Diamond plasticity only one side of the face, which no other king-king like that.
  * Queen Spade look to the right, where the Queen-Queen others look to the left.

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